Source code for rtrlib.callbacks

# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
Utility functions and wrapper for callbacks
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import logging

from _rtrlib import ffi, lib
from .manager_group import ManagerGroup, ManagerGroupStatus
from .rtr_socket import RTRSocket
from .records import PFXRecord, SPKIRecord

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]def register_pfx_update_callback(func): """ Register RTR manager pfx_update_callback :param function func: Callback function """ global PFX_UPDATE_CALLBACK register_callback( pfx_update_callback_wrapper(func), "pfx_update_callback" ) PFX_UPDATE_CALLBACK = lib.pfx_update_callback
[docs]def register_spki_update_callback(func): """ Register RTR manager spki update callback .. warning:: This callback is untested, because at the time of writing no caching server with spki records was available. It should work but might cause you computer to explode. :param function func: Callback function """ global SPKI_UPDATE_CALLBACK register_callback( spki_update_callback_wrapper(func), "spki_update_callback" ) SPKI_UPDATE_CALLBACK = lib.spki_update_callback
def register_callback(callback, name): """ Registers a cffi callback """ LOG.debug('Registering callback %s', name) ffi.def_extern(name=name)(callback) @ffi.def_extern(name="rtr_mgr_status_callback") def status_callback(rtr_mgr_group, group_status, rtr_socket, object_handle): """ Wraps the given python function and wraps it to hide cffi specifics. This wrapper is only for the status callback of the rtrlib manager. """ object_ = ffi.from_handle(object_handle) object_._status_callback( ManagerGroup(rtr_mgr_group), ManagerGroupStatus(group_status), RTRSocket(rtr_socket), object_._status_callback_data ) @ffi.def_extern(name="pfx_table_callback") def pfx_table_callback(pfx_record, object_handle): """ Wraps the pfx_table callback, used for iteration of the pfx table, to hide cffi specifics """ callback, data = ffi.from_handle(object_handle) callback(PFXRecord(pfx_record), data) def pfx_update_callback_wrapper(func): """ Wraps the given python function and wraps it to hide cffi specifics. This wrapper is only for the pfx update callback of the rtrlib manager. """ def inner(pfx_table, pfx_record, added): """ Hides c structures """ LOG.debug("Calling pfx update callback") func( PFXRecord(pfx_record), added, ) return inner def spki_update_callback_wrapper(func): """ Wraps the given python function and wraps it to hide cffi specifics. This wrapper is only for the spki update callback of the rtrlib manager. """ def inner(record, added): """ Hides c structures """ LOG.debug("Calling spki update callback") func( SPKIRecord(record), added, ) return inner